
Educational Award Information:

The California APIC Coordinating Council (CA APIC) was formed in 1978 as a statewide steering committee for California’s 10 local APIC chapters. One of the original goals of CA APIC was to provide education to both beginning and advanced professionals in infection prevention. In keeping with this goal, CA APIC is happy to announce that we are providing two (2) $1000 and four (4) $500 educational awards to support educational opportunities that will enhance infection prevention skills and abilities. All CA APIC members from novice to advanced practice are welcome to apply.

The CA APIC educational award can be used for infection prevention education up through December 31, 2025. Award recipients will be reimbursed for expenses up to $1000.00 (at least $500.00) for registration, travel, lodging and other event related expenses following attendance, including educational material for infection prevention. Awards cannot be used for CIC exam or recertification fees. 

Eligibility & Criteria:

  1. Application must be completed by their respective deadlines below. Recipients will be notified a week after deadlines or as early as administratively possible.
  2. Applicant must be a current APIC member in good standing for at least 1 year. Join here.
  3. Applicant is to perform a self-assessment of individual knowledge and skills based on the APIC Competency Model and determine their professional stage (Advanced/Expert, Mid-Career, or Early Career) using the “Examples to Assist with Self-Definition of IP Career Stage” (attached).
  4. Applicant is to write a brief description of three things they have accomplished at the current career stage.
  5. Applicant is to identify three areas in which further education or skills development is needed.
  6. Applicant is to write a brief description of how the scholarship will be used and how this will be integrated into their plans for competency development.
  7. Applicant plans to present for at least 5-10 minutes at a 2025/2024 CA APIC meeting in order to meet National APIC non-profit qualifications for educational support. Applicant should arrange with the CA APIC Board as to which meeting they would like to present and on what topic or meeting to present information that they learned. Presentations must be submitted to the CA APIC Board one week prior to the meeting where the recipient will present.

Presentation & Award:
"Marguerite M. Jackson Award" ($1000.00)

CA APIC will award the Marguerite M. Jackson Educational Award to an advanced/expert infection preventionist.  This scholarship has been established in honor of Marguerite McMillan Jackson, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN, and her many contributions and accomplishments in infection prevention and control.  Dr. Jackson is especially well known for challenging healthcare workers to evaluate and discard "rituals without reason" and for her practical approach to infection risk reduction in the health care environment.

This scholarship will be awarded to an advanced/expert infection preventionist whose professional activities showcase expertise in leadership, management, education, consultation, advanced analysis, and strategic planning. The expert IP also promotes certification, mentors others, and demonstrates the value of the credential through advanced knowledge and skills. The expert IP is an accomplished, recognized leader and patient safety champion in their own organization, whose collaborative influence may reach beyond their employer/business to regional, national, and international audiences.

Some of Marguerite Jackson’s many accomplishments include, but are not limited to:

  • Affiliate of the University of California San Diego (UCSD) for almost 33 years before her retirement in April of 2010, serving most of that time as the Administrative Director of the Epidemiology Unit.
  • Director of the Administrative Unit for the National Tuberculosis Curriculum Consortium (NTCC), a multi-center NIH-funded collaborative project to improve knowledge of tuberculosis in health professions schools throughout the United States, 2004 -2010.
  • Elected to Fellowship in the American Academy of Nursing in 1991 and served as the Nursing-at-Large representative to the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations’ Standards and Survey Procedures Committee from 1997 through 2003.
  • Co-author for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention update of the Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings, completed in 2007.
  • Board Member for the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) in 2007.
  • Consultant to organizations that include the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Hospital Association, the California Healthcare Association, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
  • Member of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) since 1973.
  • Elected as fellow of the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) in 2004.
  • Served on the editorial boards of several professional journals and has been on many national level Committees and Task Forces.
  • Lectured widely and has published over 90 articles and book chapters on a variety of topics, including infection prevention and control, the relationship between nurse staffing and healthcare-associated infection outcomes, and implementation of evidence-based practices.

"Mid-Career/Proficient to Advanced/Expert Stage Award" ($1000.00)

CA APIC will award "Mid-Career/Proficient to Advanced/Expert Stage Award" to an infection preventionist within this career stage. 

"All Stage Award"  - ($500.00)

CA APIC will award "All Stage Award" to an up to four (4) infection preventionists within this career stage. 

      Submission and Application Deadlines:
      "Marguerite M. Jackson Award" ($1000.00) May 13, 2025

      "Mid-Career/Proficient to Advanced/Expert Stage Award" ($1000.00) May 13, 2025

      "All Stage Award"  - ($500.00) May 13, 2025

      Recipient History:

      2025 Award Winners

      $500 Award: 
      $500 Award:
      $500 Award: 
      $500 Award:
      $1000 Award: 
      $1000 "Marguerite M. Jackson Scholarship" Award: 

      2024 Award Winners

      $500 Foundations Award: Staci Brock, Sierra Chapter
      $500 Foundations Award: Cara Spieler
      $500 Foundations Award: Tuesday Ochoa, Kern Rivers County Chapter
      $500 Award: Latrice Jackson-Washington, San Diego & Imperial County Chapter
      $1000 Award: Katharine Scott, Sierra Chapter
      $1000 "Marguerite M. Jackson Scholarship" Award: Emily Barnard, Orange County Chapter

      2023 Award Winners

      $500 Award: no applicants before submission deadline
      $500 Award: no applicants before submission deadline
      $500 Award: Ashley Colbern, Orange County Chapter
      $500 Award: Mariah Maier, San Diego & Imperial County Chapter
      $1000 Award: Rachel Gibbs, Greater Los Angeles Chapter
      $1000 Award: Gianna Peralta, San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
      $1000 Award: Allyson Luva, Inland Empire Chapter
      $1000 "Marguerite M. Jackson Scholarship" Award: Wisal Babiker, San Francisco Bay Area Chapter

      2022 Award Winners

      $500 Novice-Level IP Award: Maninder Kaur from the Coastline Chapter
      $500 Novice-Level IP Award: Heidi Campas-Higgins from the San Diego & Imperial County Chapter
      $1000 Mid-Level IP Award: Cristy Hernandez from the Coastline Chapter
      $1000 Advanced-Level IP Award: Emily Barnard from the Orange County Chapter

      2021 Award Winners

      $500 Krystal Smith
      $500 Rashida Conway
      $1000 Michael Connors

      2020 Award Winners

      $1000 Karin Pardoel
      $1000 Yesenia Khattak