
COVID-19 Resources

CDC Infection Control Guidance for Healthcare Professionals about Coronavirus (COVID-19)
CDC COVID-19 Exposure in Healthcare Settings
CDC Optimizing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Supplies
CDC Discontinuation of Transmission-Based Precautions and Disposition of Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Healthcare Settings
CDC Information for Laboratories about Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Guidance and Resources
COVID-19 Webinar Q&A for Hospital Accreditation (Recorded on June 25, 2020)
CDPH All Facilities Letters - Library
CDPH COVID-19 Main Page

Candida auris Resources

Healthcare-associated Infections (HAI) Program Candida auris (C.auris)
CDPH Candida auris Quicksheet – Interim
CDC Candida auris
LACDPH Weekly C. auris Update, 03/16/21
LACDPH Candida auris Prevention Project

Chapter Tools & Templates

Internet Guide for California APIC chapters
APIC Chapter Leader Resource Guide 2012 (pdf)
Chapter President Checklist (doc)
Reliable Design of IP Programs from Infection Control Today by Sue Barnes
CA APIC Bylaws
Chapter President templates
Chapter Secretary templates
Education Chair/Program Chair templates
AGENDA template for exec team meetings (doc)


Please visit the tool to view a powerful analysis of current worldwide social media activity surrounding topics of concern to infection preventionists. Thank you to Cody Haag of CSGI for creating this amazing tool.


Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology
National Institutes of Health
World Health Organization
Scientific Guidelines
Public Policy Resources
APIC Public Policy position statements
Recertification by Continuing Education: Infection Prevention Units (IPUs) Opportunities Chart


Infectious Disease Association of California
California Department of Public Health Healthcare-Associated Infection (HAI) Program
Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA)