Conference Presentations

Slide Presentations for:

Bi-State Infectious Disease Conference Agenda

St. Louis Renaissance Hotel, MO

November 8, 2024 

(To print the pdf slides it is recommended to set your print settings to Landscape, Multiple 2x2, Horizontal. This will use the paper most efficiently and still allow good readability of all the slides)

General Session A

How To Get to Zero - Panel discussion. No Slides Used

Breakout Session B

 B1. Translating Evidence into Practice in Public Health. Ross Brownson, PhD. SLIDES

 B2. MO State Lab on expanding lab and capabilities. Adam Perkins, B.S. SLIDES

 B3. Culture Negative TB. Dr. Elizabeth Ann Misch, MD


Breakout Session C

 C1.  Alpha-gal and other research Genevieve Weseman, MPH, Dr. Tina Merritt, MD, Jennifer Platt DrPH. SLIDES

 C2. TB Case Study – STL County HD. Tracey Swaringen, RN, BSN, Tracey Campbell, RN. SLIDES

 C3. Missouri HAI/AR Program Overview. Sarah Hanson, MPH, CPH. SLIDES


Breakout Session D

 D1. C. auris, CRAB and other MDROs. Dr. George Turabelidze, MD. SLIDES

 D2. Sustainable Programming in Public Health and Clinical Settings. Ginger McKay, PhD, MA. SLIDES

 D3. St. Louis Fusion Center – Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Health Intelligence Sharing. Kyle Foerst, MS


General Session E

Hot Topics in Emerging Infectious Diseases 2023 Dr. Manokiran Patri, MD – SSM Health. SLIDES