Scholarship Opportunities

Inland Empire APIC Education Support for members!

First come, first serve! Apply for Inland Empire APIC Education Support. You are encouraged to share what you learn with the chapter.


$2,000 Scholarship Grants for APIC 2024 June 3-5 in San Antonio, Texas

Apply for a Grant to attend APIC 2024 for Infection Prevention education, engagement and fun!


To help support your in-person attendance of APIC 2024, June 3-5 in San Antonio, Texas, UVDI is proud to award Three $2,000 Scholarship Grants to apply towards Travel and Registration expenses.

To apply, please complete the form below by April 3rd, including:

 Your Team’s implementation of UV room disinfection to improve environmental hygiene.

 Infection Prevention training and education initiatives across Teams.

 Your hospital and facility name.

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