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APIC NE Spring In-Person Conference:

May 9th, 2025

Wellsworth Hotel 

Southbridge, MA

APIC in Action: Legislative Updates

You can find the latest Infection Prevention-related legislative bills for New England in the report here.
Click the links in the report to see which of your local elected officials are sponsoring a bill, and where it is in committee process. You can support APIC initiatives by calling or writing to officials in your home district.

Am I a member?
We encourage all APIC members to join the New England chapter.  Full, active chapter members receive our regular newsletters, are eligible to join the board of directors and committees, receive discounted conference rates, and can enter to win our annual trip to the APIC national conference.  Chapter membership costs $30 in addition to the national membership.  Many members believe they are chapter members, when, in fact, they are not.

Check your APIC account page.  You should see our chapter listed (inside the area circled in red).  If it says "nothing to report," you are a member of the national APIC organization, but not a local chapter.  Call APIC member services to add the New England chapter. If you are interested in the advancement of the practice of infection prevention and control, APIC NEW welcomes your participation. 


Local Conferences:

Stayed tuned for more local events in 2025

Latest Discussions

  • Profile Picture

    RE: ICRA form

    Thanks! I was just going to ask for this.

  • Profile Picture

    RE: ICRA form

    This is the most recent that I know of. ------------------------------ Shannon Ynfante, RN, CIC -- ...

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If you aren't receiving our emails, and you think you should be, be aware that many organizations have firewalls that block our emails.  Contact us at for more information.