APIC Education Travel Support 2024

APIC Educational Support 2024

 A limited number of APIC Education funds are available for education support for upcoming Infection Prevention conferences (APIC, SHEA, or Epi courses).

APIC Education support information

    • Award limits:  $1,000 for non-board members, $1,500 for board members.  President receives support for all expenses related to APIC’s annual conference.
    • Must be an active member of APIC and Grand Canyon Chapter.  Point scoring system may be used when granting awards depending on the number of requests and available funds. Points are granted for length of APIC National & Chapter membership; attendance at meetings; involvement with the Chapter; Board participation and any Offices held.
    • Awards are not limited to attendance at APIC or SHEA, but must be Infection Prevention related.
    • If applying for an award to attend APIC National the submission deadline is March 1st.  If funds remain available after this date chapter membership will be notified.
    • In exchange for this award recipients are required to do one of the following: (make selection within application)
      • Provide membership with a 15-20 minute presentation related to the conference attended.  Presentation will occur at the August or September meeting.


      • Substantially assist with the planning of the Fall Conference.

    Failure to complete the above requirement will result in the return of funds to the Chapter and/or funds will be reported as income subject to income tax.

Application for Educational Support
