
Meet Laural, our Membership Chair

Laural Farabaugh, MT, SM, (ASCP)CM, CIC, CER ~ Membership Chair
"My mission is to be curious and learn from others that know more than me to better understand barriers to infection prevention."
My Moto: Always listen to your inner voice that says, “Something is not right here.”

What our members are saying....

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When you become an APIC member, you join the largest network of infection preventionists committed to patient safety.
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Learn about the benefits of membership.

Your APIC membership is critical to you, your facility, and the patients you protect!

Your presence and your voice makes all of this possible.

 Your membership provides a wide range of benefits including: 

  • Expanded course offerings to include virtual instructor-led and local training for novice, proficient, and advanced IPs.
  • Continued delivery of practice guidance resources and timely publications, including the American Journal of Infection Control, free monthly webinars and access to more than 100 archived webinars.
  • Regular updates to the CDC, CMS, FDA, and all 535 members of Congress to help them understand the importance of requirements that allow IPs to adequately focus on patient care.
  • Up-to-the-minute analysis and interpretation of infection prevention related federal legislation and regulations.
  • Leadership of a coalition of 53 organizational partners in support of federal HAI and antibiotic resistance prevention efforts. 

