California APIC Statewide Calendar

California APIC Statewide Calendar

Upcoming  educational events:

(Calendar below does not consistently display in Internet Explorer, but is confirmed to work in Chrome and other standards-compliant browsers.  You can work around this by adding the California APIC calendar to your own Google Calendar, which every Gmail user has, by using this link.)


        You can add your own chapter's events
to this calendar automatically by letting
us subscribe to your chapter's
shared Google Calendar.  Email us at our
gmail address, CaliforniaAPIC, to coordinate
(not displayed as an email address to avoid
notice by automated spam bots).
                          More details are available on the Internet Guide for California Chapters (also found on the Resources page).

You can add this calendar to your own
Google Calendar by clicking the plus sign above,
in the lower right corner of the calendar.